Thursday, September 4, 2014

Candidate: kiran

Two contending Speaker of the House hopefuls--Liberal BobbyBreaker and Libertarian Emiyu Kiritsugu remain deeply entrenched in a Massively Mud-slinging Orator Representative Poll Gridlock; as of this writing the Liberal candidate has a slight lead.

But there is a third candidate rising in the polls, and he shouldn't be counted out for a possible late upset of the election. The Clout Report managed to catch up with the rising-star Socialist candidate, Representative kiran [sic].

The Clout Report: What will you do as speaker? kiran: Avoid conflict between parties.

TCR: how does a speaker accomplish this?
kiran: The speaker doesn't really have much power; I would just avoid saying anything biased.
TCR: What are the core Socialist ideals, versus Liberals and Libertarians?
kiran: With Socialism you are payed by how much work you do instead of what your status is. If you are asking what i think needs to be done for the country, I think it is fine as it is.
TCR: What is your opinion on the current state of foreign relations?
kiran: I believe they are fine as is.
TCR: is there anything you would like to say to the voters?
kiran: Vote BarryBreaker.

kiran's do-nothing agenda does seem to have a certain appeal. Congressman Kiritsuyu's offer to reach across the aisle for bipartisan unity has ironically only resulted in hostility between the Liberal and Libertarian parties who had previously been rumored to share a PAC. Keep on eye on The Clout Report for the latest election and financial news from Clout: The Game.

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